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篇名 理解,實踐的開始:一位特殊教育教師的自我批判
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Understanding as a Basis of Praxis: A Special Educator's Self-Critique
作者 廖淑戎
頁次 187-212
關鍵字 探究批判反思理解InquiryCritical reflectionUnderstandingTSSCI
出刊日期 200709




This paper begins with the stories about an eighth-grade autistic boy. Those connections and interests in his stories have led me to my work in writing, as an inquiry. It is that consideration of subjectivity that intrigues me. It provides the opportunities for me to enhance my understanding and further to consider how to shape my own pedagogical practices through critical reflection. I find the construction of school curricula cannot be understood without an understanding of how we acknowledge those students as whole human beings striving to learn how to live in the world as well as to gain knowledge in the classroom. These students' individuality needs to be esteemed. This paper thus attempts to provide an organic view to examine the meaning construction process of teachers and students who work together.
