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篇名 大專校院之專題製作課程與產業需求的關係:以機械領域為例
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Correspondences between the Special Project Courses in the Universities and the Need of Industries: A Study Case in the Field of Mechanics
作者 湯誌龍黃銘福
頁次 157-186
關鍵字 機械領域專題製作專業創造力創新能力Mechanic fieldSpecial project coursesDomain creativityInnovative abilitiesTSSCI
出刊日期 200709


本研究針對大專校院機械領域專題製作課程之內涵,進行大專校院與產業界的創新能力需求、培育方式、以及培育過程的關聯性分析。研究者實地訪查南部地區,包括:遠東、崑山、正修、義守、高應科大、高雄第一科大、屏東科大、成大等八所大專校院,調查其機械科系專題製作課程作品之主題、應用與推廣、以及學校辦理產學合作之業界代表性廠家產品之類別、創新等狀況,獲得以下結果:1. 大專校院專題製作主題,趨向於控制與光機電整合之電腦模擬操作領域。2. 為能培訓優質及符合產業需求的機械專業人力資源,並減少產學間合作的障礙,確應透過產學合作之模式予以支持。3. 規畫與施行產業需求相關之專題製作主題,仍以大專校院教師進行個別帶領為主。4. 為能迎合知識經濟時代所需的創新人力資源,產學之間皆需有效的評鑑工具予以輔助。分析之結果期能提供大專校院、學生、與產業界在規劃學用一致創新課程之參考。


This study aimed to analyze the correspondences between the special project courses in the universities and the need of industries in developing innovative abilities in the field of mechanics. Applying the method of field interviewing, this study targeted eight universities in southern Taiwan. This study investigated: the subjects of the courses and the application of the special projects, along with the types of products, innovative abilities, incubation methods, and teaching methods developed in the industry-university cooperation. The results of this study included the following. First, the special project courses in the universities tended to focus on the field of computerized simulation in automatic control. Second, the industry-university cooperation plays a crucial role in corresponding the demand and supply of mechanicial engineers. Third, the research team members of special project courses were mainly directed by the faculty of the universities. Fourth, it is necessary for both universities and industries to have evaluation tools to facilitate the use of innovative human resources demanded by the knowledge-based economy. These results further provided suggestions for courses to cultivate the innovative abilities of the industries and the students in the vocational and technical institutes.
