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篇名 國小高年級學童的金錢態度與消費行為
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Concept of Money and the Consumption of Upper-Grade Students in the Elementary Schools
作者 徐淑敏林麗華
頁次 1-28
關鍵字 國小學童金錢態度消費行為Elementary school studentsConcept of moneyConsumptionTSSCI
出刊日期 200709


本研究的目的在於了解兒童的金錢態度、消費行為,並探討兒童金錢態度與消費行為之間的相關性。本文以桃園縣國小高年級學童進行抽樣,選取十三所學校,每所學校五、六年級各抽取一個班級學生為團體施測對象。同時,將國小學童的金錢態度界定為權力名望、預算、焦慮及不信任四個面向。根據問卷調查結果如下:1. 男生、六年級、或縣轄市學區學童,對金錢有較不正向的態度;有儲蓄習慣的兒童則具有正向、積極的金錢態度。2. 五年級學童、鄉鎮學區、或零用錢在200 元以下及有儲蓄習慣的兒童,其消費行為較為正向、理性。3. 低權力名望傾向、高預算及低焦慮傾向的兒童其消費行為較為正向、理性;至於高不信任傾向者,其消費行為偏好以價格為導向。本研究結果顯示,兒童的金錢態度與其消費行為,具有密切的相關。藉由對兒童的金錢態度與消費行為研究結果,可提供將來教師在輔導兒童金錢態度與消費行為之參考。


The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the relationship between the concept of money and the consumption of the upper-grade elementary school students. Stratified and random sampling was used in this questionnaire study. The fifth and sixth graders in elementary schools in Taoyuan were the subjects of the study. The findings from this study included the following. First, male, sixth grade student, or the ones living in urban areas had improper concept of money. The second finding was that fifth graders from the rural areas who had less than NT$200 pocket money each month exhibited saving habits that manifest positive and reasonable consumption. Third, children who were less likely to show the dimensions of power, prestige and anxiety had positive and reasonable consumption, and they exhibited more sophisticated higher budget dimensions. The research findings could provide references for teachers to develop students' proper concept of money and consumption.
