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篇名 「妳媽媽的故事有什麼好寫的?」--生產「禮讚女性」教學知識的行動敘說
卷期 20:1
作者 蕭昭君
頁次 201-225
關鍵字 女性主義教育學性別平等教育行動敘說Feminist pedagogyGender equity educationAction researchTSSCI
出刊日期 200703




This paper attempts to illuminate the interweaving process of gender, power and knowledge in my educational research course. Inspired by Judy Logan's teaching stories, I invite senior students in my course to conduct in-depth studies in honor of women from their daily worlds. By ways of prolonged engagements and interviews with their respondents, students learn to acquire deeper understandings of these women's lives, thus, open their eyes to see through the structural oppression of women in the patriarchal society and to think through how they can transform such new understandings for social justice. In addition to writing up their research papers, students learn to make their own quilt as another way of knowledge representation for their research. I also present an honest account of the obstacles encountered in the process of teaching students to produce knowledge about women and of the actions taken to solve these obstacles.
