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篇名 課程改革新視野--學校運動經驗與道德教育的結合
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Curricular Innovation: The Integration of Sport Experiences and Moral Education
作者 林秀珍顧曉雲
頁次 147-172
關鍵字 道德教育運動經驗Moral educationSport experiencesTSSCI
出刊日期 200703




Sport is a valued human practice, concerned with its origin of play, its own goals and traditions. Summing up the formal characteristics of sport, we might call it a free activity standing outside “ordinary” life. It proceeds according to fixed rules and in an orderly manner. Besides, there is a link between spirit and sport. Since sport can make a significant contribution to moral education, the role of the teacher of sports should be regarded as an enlightened leader of students' character development. But the place of sport in relation to moral education and the curriculum has been neglected in schools for a long time because of the prejudices to sports. This paper aims to explore the importance of sports to moral education and the role of the teachers who teach sports. In the final section, an example is explicated to show how a high school teacher who teaches sport integrates sport experience and moral education.
