
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 護理大學生之批判性思維情意特質
卷期 5:3、5:3
並列篇名 Affective Dispositions toward Critical Thinking in College-level Nursing Students
作者 葉美玲陳興夏黃如萍
頁次 193-200
關鍵字 批判性思維情意特質護理大學生Critical thinkingAffective dispositionsCollege-level nursing students
出刊日期 200909


背 景 今日護生乃明日的專業護理者,涵養批判性思維情意特質可使批判性思維知能技巧展現於專業判斷過程,可提昇護理專業護理照護。
目 的 本研究旨在探討技職護理大學生之批判性思維情意特質及其影響因素。
方 法 採橫斷式研究設計暨方便取樣,樣本為一所技職院校護理系一至四年級學生(n = 301, 243, 168, 190)。
結 果 整體批判性思維情意特質高於標準值(M = 283.78, SD = 24.74),其中以追根究底特質得分最高(M = 47.61, SD = 5.85);三年級學生的批判性思維情意特質得分較一、四年級高;批判性思維情意特質與年齡(r = .12, p < .001)、護理臨床經驗(r = .11, p = .02)有統計顯著相關。
結 論/
實務應用 提供技職護理大學生之批判性思維情意特質現況及其影響因素之瞭解,可提供未來提昇護生批判性思維之參考。


Background: As student nurses are in training to assume responsibilities as professional nurses, nurturing their affective dispositions toward critical thinking can reinforce the critical thinking skills necessary to make professional judgments and enhance care quality.
Purpose: Explore affective dispositions toward critical thinking and the influences of such on college-level nursing students.
Methods: This study employed a cross- sectional research design on a convenience sample that comprised students in their freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years (n = 301, 243, 168, 190).
Results: The overall critical thinking score was found to be above the norm (M = 283.78, SD = 24.74), with the highest average scores earned on the inquisitiveness subscale (M = 47.61, SD = 5.85). Juniors obtained higher scores than either freshmen or seniors. Affective dispositions were significantly associated with age (r = .12, p < .001) and years of nursing experience (r = .11, p = .02).
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Findings provide information to understand affective disposition toward critical thinking in nursing students and can serve as a reference in efforts to improve students’ critical thinking skills.
