
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 護理專科學生護理能力之探討--護理人員與臨床護理教師之評價
卷期 5:3、5:3
並列篇名 A Study of the Nursing Competency of Nursing College Students: From the Perspective of Nurses and Clinical Nursing Teachers
作者 林宜蓉杜玉卿謝旭玲
頁次 220-230
關鍵字 護理能力護理教育護理專科學生Nursing competencyNursing educationNursing college students
出刊日期 200909


背 景 護理教育制度變革,各校課程自主以發展特色教學,評值學生的護理能力可做為護理教育成效之初判。
目 的 (1)探討護理專科學生護理能力程度;(2)瞭解護理人員與臨床護理教師對專科學生護理能力的重要程度及足夠程度之評價;(3)瞭解護理人員與臨床護理教師對專科學生護理能力評價之差異。
方 法 本研究採橫斷性研究設計,以結構式「護理能力」問卷為工具,問卷以「重要程度」及「足夠程度」,調查南部各級醫療院所實習單位的護理人員(307人)及護理臨床教師(31人),對專科學生護理能力進行評價。
結 果 研究結果顯示:(1)護理人員對於護生護理能力評價之標準化得分為54.00,護理人員認為護生的護理能力呈現中等程度;臨床護理教師對於護生護理能力評價之標準化得分為44.10,臨床護理教師認為護生之護理能力僅接近中等程度;(2)研究對象認為護理能力的「重要程度」以照顧能力、溝通能力與自我及專業成長能力為優先,護生護理能力的「足夠程度」則以溝通能力得分較高;(3)護理人員對護生護理能力的評價顯著高於臨床護理教師;護理教師對於護生護理能力之評價不因教師的基本屬性而顯著影響,而年齡較輕、年資較淺與護理能力進階層級較低之護理人員,對於護生護理能力之評價較佳。
結 論 本研究結果有助於專科護理教育未來進行課程規劃及臨床教學之參考。


Background: Schools have increasingly been developing curricula autonomously to address the needs and requirements of nursing education reforms. Evaluating nursing student competency may be used as an indicator of nursing education outcomes.
Purposes: 1. Evaluate nursing college student competency; 2. Understand the evaluated “importance” and “adequacy” of such competency from the perspectives of nurses and clinical nursing teachers; 3. Identify differing evaluation results between the two groups.
Methods: A cross-sectional study design was adopted in this study. Researchers used a structured nursing competence questionnaire covering the areas of “importance” and “adequacy” to evaluate nursing college student competency from the perspective of nurses (n = 307) and clinical nursing teachers (n = 31) in the practice units of medical institutions located in southern Taiwan.
Results: 1.The standardized evaluation score for nursing student competency given by nurse participants was 54.00 (medium). The standardized score for the same given by clinical nursing teachers was 44.10 (low-medium); 2. Respondents believed the most important three subscales in the “importance” section to be caring ability, communication, and self / professional growth. Respondents identified communication ability as the most important subscale in the “adequacy” section; 3. Nurse evaluation of nursing student competency was significantly higher than that made by clinical nursing teachers. The evaluation of nursing student competency from clinical nursing teachers was not significantly influenced by teacher demographics. Nurses who were younger, relatively junior or of lower rank tended to give higher scores for nursing student competency.
Conclusion: Research results may help facilitate improved curriculum design and clinical teaching in nursing college education in the future.
