
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 臺灣地區成年人性別、教育、職業透過健康行為影響身體健康之徑路分析
卷期 5:3、5:3
並列篇名 A Path Analysis of the Effects of Gender, Education and Occupation on Physical Health through Health Behaviors in Taiwanese Adults
作者 魏琦芳
頁次 231-242
關鍵字 健康行為身體健康徑路分析Health behaviorsPhysical healthPath analysis
出刊日期 200909


背 景 許多實證研究指出性別、教育及職業與身體健康有密切關聯,但其是否會透過健康行為影響,則少有研究探討。
目 的 本研究旨在分析台灣地區成年人性別、教育、職業是否透過喝酒、吸菸、嚼擯榔與運動行為影響身體健康。
方 法 以中央研究院「台灣地區社會變遷調查」全國分層隨機樣本進行徑路分析。
結 果 顯示性別會透過喝酒與運動影響身體健康,教育則是透過運動影響身體健康,職業不會透過健康行為影響身體健康,但職業對因身體健康不適影響日常作息有直接影響。徑路分析顯示運動行為在性別、教育影響身體健康中扮演重要角色。
結 論 建議針對運動較少的族群強調運動的重要性,以提升身體健康、降低對日常作息的影響。


Background: Many empirical studies have demonstrated close relationships among the variables of gender, education, occupation and physical health. However, minimal investigation has been done into the effects on physical health of gender, education and occupation through health behaviors.
Purpose: Explore the effect of gender, education and occupation on physical health in Taiwanese adults through various specific health behaviors including alcohol consumption, smoking, betel nut chewing and exercise.
Methods: Data were obtained from nationally stratified random samples included in Academia Sinica’s “Social Change Survey in Taiwan”. Research employed path analysis.
Results: Gender was found to affect physical health through alcohol consumption and exercise behaviors. Education affected physical health only through exercise behavior. While occupation did not affect physical health through health behaviors, it had a direct effect on daily routines in terms of physical discomfort. Examining the results of path analysis, exercise behavior was found to be a major factor in the effect that gender and education was found to have on physical health.
Conclusions: Suggestions were made in this article regarding the importance of exercise for low-level exercise groups in order to increase physical health and reduce the effect of poor health on daily routines.
