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篇名 Trends in LIS Education: Coverage of Soft Skills in Curricula
卷期 66
作者 Chaudhry, Abdus SattarKhoo, Christopher S. G.Wu, PaulChang, Yun-Ke
頁次 1-13
關鍵字 Libary and information science educationSoft skillsCurriculaInformation professionals
出刊日期 200808



Soft skills are vital for professionals in general but particularly to information professionals to be effective in the new environment. This paper identifies soft skills relevant to information work through review of relevant literature and analysis of job advertisements. The paper describes how education in soft skills is being addressed in the MSc Information Studies program at Nanyang Technological University. In particular, two courses called Professional Seminar and Critical Inquiry have been helpful for strengthening soft skills in students. The ways inwhich students are developing soft skills in these courses are discussed.
