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篇名 音樂家數位典藏之探討:以李泰祥數位音樂圖書館為例
卷期 66
並列篇名 Research on Musician’s Digital Archives: A Case Study of Li Tai-Hsaing’sDigital Archives
作者 林孟玲黃明居柯皓仁
頁次 35-52
關鍵字 臺灣音樂家李泰祥數位典藏數位圖書館民歌交響樂樂譜Taiwan musianTai-hsiang LiDigital archivesDigital librariesFolk songOrchestraScores
出刊日期 200808


交通大學圖書?執??位典藏計畫多?, 將成果建置成「浩然藝文?位博物?」(http://folkartist.e-lib.nctu.edu.tw)。2006 ?著手進??泰??位音?圖書?,由於??師的音?從古典出發,在廣告與??音?中多方摸?,經過文化與民族元素的整合,可以將??音?或民謠交響化,也可以用中國的?器與??融入西方音?演奏,多元而跨界的創作組合,他的成就堪稱台灣本土音?界的大師。經由一?多的「台灣本土音?家之影音典藏—?泰?大師」音?作品?位化,茲將工作經驗分享,期能拋磚引玉,共同為音?藝術文化典藏貢獻一己之?。


The Library in the National Chiao Tung University has involved in cultural and fine art digital preservation for many years, in order to balance the campus-widely sci-tech based educational environment. It is also a mission for university library to keep the cultural heritage of Taiwan. Users anywhere can browse the digital archives on the web http://folkartist.e-lib.nctu.edu.tw. Tai-Hsian Li’s family met our workforce and revealed that they wanted to have Li’s 40-year scores and performances digitized on the web in 2006. Oriented as a famous composer of classical music, Li is very productive in commercial ads and popular music and his music is welcomed by the scholars as well as the norm audiences. His amazing achievements like, he revised the Chinesefolk songs into western orchestra, combined the western melody into Chinese musical instruments and created the music style into cross-culture elements. Many Taiwanese are deeply impressed by his abundant works and considered he is a master of Taiwan musical world. With the one-year digitized process, we would like to share the experiences and results, which would like to invite more people to join us for the digital efforts and preservations of Taiwanese music.
