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篇名 圖書館組織創新管理流程之研究
卷期 66
並列篇名 Research on Innovative Management Process of Library Organization
作者 蔡萬助
頁次 53-73
關鍵字 圖書館組織組織管理創新管理Library organizationOrganizational managementInnovative management
出刊日期 200808


進入21 世紀,?位化、網路化的資訊革命使得圖書館的資訊環境產生?巨大的變化。因此,充當知?水庫、學術銀行的圖書館組織,除?重視實體資源、附著資源的建設外,?應強化統籌整合的資源,尤其是創新管理流程的建構?是刻不容緩之舉。因為它是獲得或維持競爭優勢的先決條件。本文以圖書館組織為對象,分別從決策能?、組織結構、組織文化、知?管理以及顧客關係管?等?程,?述如何讓創意孕育於組織之中,並藉由創新廣?與深?的延展,能為圖書?組織帶??多的效?。


With the advent of the 21st century, igitization and networking of information have led to significant changes in library organization. Playing the role as a reservoir of information and academic resources, the library organization, in addition to emphasizing the construction of fundamental infrastructure, has to enhance its ability in integrating the diversity of resources and more urgently must establish an innovative management process. The latter requirement is particularly important because it is a key to gain and hold an advantage in future competitions.This paper adopts the library organization as the research subject, discoursing on how creativity could be generated within the framework of organization and how the expansion and extension of the creativity could possibly bring forth higher efficiency in the operation of library organization. The elements of organization discussed in this paper include decision making, organization structure and culture, knowledge management, and user relationship management.
