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篇名 從資訊素養觀點談檔案應用服務之推廣
卷期 66
並列篇名 Discussing the Promotion of Archives Services from the Viewpoint of Information Literacy
作者 涂曉晴
頁次 74-88
關鍵字 資訊素養檔案素養檔案應用檔案應用服務檔案推廣Information literacyArchives literacyArchives servicesArchives accessArchival promotion
出刊日期 200808




Information literacy includes a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize, locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. The enhancement of the general user’s information competence will promote an efficient application of archives, and vice versa. This article aims to discuss the promotion of archives services from the viewpoint of information literacy. First, the meanings and implications represented byinformation literacy and archives literacy will be explicated. Second, this article proposes that archivists should possess adequate abilities in applying information and archives and understand the importance involved in this field of knowledge. Next, this discussion will examine factors that affect the access to and the use of archives. Last, several suggestions for promoting archives services will be presented.
