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篇名 在職學生資訊素養與職業技能相關性之研究:以國?臺北商業技術學院為例
卷期 66
並列篇名 Correlation between Information Literacy and Professional Competence in On-Service Students: A Case Study of On-Service Students in National Taipei College of Business
作者 程秋萍
頁次 89-106
關鍵字 資訊素養職業技能Information literacyJob competencies
出刊日期 200808




With the advent of the information age, the central focus on skill cultivation invested by vocational education has gradually faced the challenge of continual learning. Confronted with the challenge, information literacy education could be affirmed as one of the most important abilities for on-service students. In order to explore the relationship between information literacy and vocational competence in on-service students, this study adopts the questionnaire as the method of investigation, carrying out positivistic researches on on-service students in National Taipei College of Business. The results of this study may provide references andsuggestions for promoting on-service students’ professional qualities and efficiently organizing enterprise human resources.
