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篇名 Successful Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Experiences at Respiratory Care Centers
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 呼吸照護中心呼吸器脫離成功患者脫離訓練過程之心路歷程探討
作者 陳靜如林綽娟曾雅玲許玲女
頁次 093-101
關鍵字 phenomenologynursingrespiratory caremechanical ventilationweaningresearch現象學護理呼吸照護呼吸器脫離研究MEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 200906


本研究旨在深入暸解中部地區呼吸照護中心內呼吸器脫離成功患者,於呼吸器脫離訓練過程中的心路歷程,包括脫離過程的支持系統。採質性研究法,以深度訪談蒐集資料,並以半結構式訪談指引,共收集20位個案。資料分析以現象學本質五大分析步驟逐步構成,包括反覆讀取資料、歸類有意義字句、轉譯、合成主題以及形成成功脫離呼吸器心路歷程的基本架構。本研究結果呈現呼吸器脫離訓練成功病患之心路歷程,可歸納為五大主題,包括:(1)處理呼吸器脫離訓練的陌生情境, (2)遭受心理症狀和對 自我耐受力的不明確之苦,(3)無助厭的煎熬, (4)徘徊於接受與放棄脫離呼吸器訓練的 矛盾中,(5)自我呼吸的解放戚。經由本研究的發現,將增加臨床護理人員對病患呼吸 脫離過程心路歷程的了解和處理情緒反應的能力。尤其在病患病情緩解之際,護理人員應儘早為其評估呼吸器脫離條件,並提供病患準備脫離的訊息和澄清疑慮,以避免增加影響成功脫離呼吸器的負面心理反應。研究中並指出在呼吸器脫離訓練過程中,專業的護理人員以及親密家人的關心是病患成功脫離呼吸器的重要支持因素,護理人員可於協助病患脫離呼吸器期間有效的運用支持資源,鼓勵和安排家人到院陪伴,協助病患順利的渡過此階段。因此,本研究結果可提供醫護人員未來在協助病患脫離呼吸器時重要的參考策略。


A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted on the experiences of patients who had been successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation, including essential elements of the patient support system during the weaning process. Indepth interviews were conducted with 20 participants who had been recruited through purposive sampling from three respiratory care centers in Taiwan. The experiences of participants who had been successfully weaned from me chanical ventilation could be categorized into five themes, which were (a) dealing with the unfamiliar context presented by the weaning program, (b) experiencing various psychological responses and self-endurance ambiguity, (c) being tortured by helplessness, (d) wondering whether to continue or give up, (e) and release from self-breathing. Findings were intended to give nurses an increased understanding of patient experiences and help in raising their competence in managing patient emotional reactions that arise during the weaning process. As patient conditions gradually improve, nurses should assess the criteria for mechanical ventilation weaning and provide preparatory information and clarify patient questions to avoid potential negative responses during the process. Participants also reported that the professionalism of nurses and concern from family members were essential sources of support for successful weaning Nurses can apply recommendations to develop effective patient support systems that encourage family members to accompany patients at critical times during the weaning process. Therefore, the results of this study may assist healthcare personnel to develop strategies to ensure successful weaning from mechanical ventilation.
