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篇名 由第二屆世界衛生經濟學大會看衛生經濟學之發展
卷期 19:2、19:2
並列篇名 The Future of Health Economics--Reflections on the Second World Conference of International Health Economics Association
作者 紀駿輝
頁次 69-85
關鍵字 衛生經濟學國際衛生經濟學學會需求模式Health economicsInternational health economics associationDemand analysisTSCI
出刊日期 200004


     國際衛生經濟學學會iHEA是衛生經濟學界最重要的環球學術團體,其舉辦的世界衛生經濟學大會亦是衛生經濟學的最重要之學術會議。在該大會所發表的論文,可以作為衛生經濟學界發展的指標。本文藉著作者參與該會在1999年6月6日至9日於荷蘭鹿特丹舉行第二屆大會觀察發表論文的數量與種類,來分析衛生經濟學近來與未來之發展。本文分為兩大部份,第一部份藉分析論文的性質可知,與衛生財務或健康保險相關的議題為衛生經濟學最熱門的主題,佔論文總數的30%。其次則為經濟評估相關的研究。文中亦由論文發表者的所屬機構及國家來分析衛生經濟學在各國的發展情 況。第二部份則評介二個較重要的論文發表和一場衛生經濟學理論的大辯論。這些論文及辯論的共同主題是對衛生經濟學理論、分析模式與假設,以及研究方法的反省與批判。衛生經濟學家們繼續對此主題之探討研究,將會對衛生經濟學產生本質上的改變。文末提出幾個增進我國在世界衛生經濟學界的學術地位之策略。


     International Health Economics Association (iHEA) is, arguably, the most important international academic association for health economics. This paper summarizes the nature and contents of the Second World Conference of iHEA, held in Rotterdam from June 6 to 9 of 1999. The first part of this paper discussed the number and nature of papers presented at this conference. Results of analysis suggests that the subject related to health care finance and health insurance is the most popular in this conference, wi th a total of 163 papers, representing 30% of the total number of papers presented. The second most popular research area, with is economic evaluation, 129 papers (23.8%). Furthermore, I also examine the development of health economics in the world, by analyzing the number of papers presented by each country's delegates. Finally, discussion and comment on two plenary session papers and one debate session on health economics demand theory. A common thread to these sessions is the critical examination of hea lth economic theories, analytical model and its assumptions, and research methods. If this introspection is followed by many health economists, it will have a profound impact on the field of health economics. Finally, I propose several strategies to promote the development of health economics in Taiwan and discussed the global significance of this development.
