
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 華人心性與倫理的複合式療法--華人文化心理治療的探原
卷期 24
並列篇名 Ethical Intervention and Spiritual Well-Being as Cultural Therapeutics: Compound Psychological Healing in Culturally Chinese Societies
作者 余德慧
頁次 7-48
關鍵字 Mind-practiceIndigenous psychotherapyEthicsCultural psychotherapyChinese psychology華人心理療法倫理本土化心性TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200512



This article investigates the possibility of indigenizing psychological counseling in culturally Chinese societies. To avoid the professional bias inherent in the medical discourse, a counter discourse is used to manifest cultural essence. The author does not oppose professionalizing Chinese psychological therapy, but hopes to localize Western psychotherapy by revealing the problem of survival and the existence of psychological healing at the root of Chinese culture. Localized psychological healing compounds ethical intervention with spiritual well-being - two aspects that form the core of psychological adjustment for culturally Chinese people. This basis is different from the discourse of Western psychological healing, which is rooted in Western cultural history. Culturally Chinese people accept ethics as the principles of social practices. These ethics combined with culturally Chinese people’s transcendental perspective on the meaning of life form a complex psychology of the heart. When culturally Chinese people use this structure to transport their self-adjustment problems into a framework of the meaning of life, they believe that their external actions should be regulated by interpersonal ethics so as to attain world order. The most important goal of humans’ inward activities is to cultivate virtuous thoughts such as benevolence and righteousness. However, life is not plain sailing. Not all human endeavors bring success and not al1 thoughts are good. For those who encounter difficulties and unpleasantness in life, cultural psychological healing is a good prescription. A culturally correct psychological healing should inquire into 2 problematic areas: (1) the language problem, and (2) equal emphasis on spiritual well-being and ethical practice. The necessity of these two aspects is due to the non-analytical character of culturally Chinese people and the quest for wholeness in the culture. Ethics and spirituality are interconnected. They expand the width and depth of psychological healing in society, infiltrating all realms of people’s lives.
