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篇名 2002至2006年體育學報論文引用文獻計量分析
卷期 41:1
並列篇名 Citation analysis of the papers published in Physical Education Journal from 2002 to 2006
作者 廖清海連振杰蔡靜汶
頁次 085-098
關鍵字 引用文獻體育學報書目計量分析citationsPhysical Education Journalbibliometric analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


目的:本研究採用書目計量分析法探討2002年至2006年「體育學報J所發表的論文引用文獻情形。方法:以該期刊論文226篇,引用文獻4,473篇為分析對象,資料以描述統計法、百分比分析法及卡方按定進行分析。結果:平均每篇論文引用文獻篇數為19.8篇,有41.2%的論文有自我引用的情形。最常被引用的壹灣地區作者為林正常;引用臺灣地區中文體育運動期刊以「體育學報」最多,引用英文期刊以rMedicineand Science in Sport and ExerciseJ最多。引用文獻的語文以「英文」最多,引用文獻的出版形式以「期 刊雜誌」最多。引用文獻出版年份分佈狀況以r5年(含)內」最多,論文引用的碩、博士論文學校以「國立臺灣師範大學」最多。結論:從引用文獻分析的內容可以了解到體育運動學術研究的情形及趨勢。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the citation situation of papers published in the periodical “PhysicalEducation Journal" from 2002 to 2006. Methods: This study adopted the bibliometric analysis. A total of 4,473 references were selected from 226 papers. Descriptive analysis, percentage analysis and Chi-square test were used to examine the data. Results: The average number of citation reference was 19.8 per paper, and there were 41.2% papers have the self-citation. The most highly cited Chinese authors is “Jung-CharngLin", the most highly cited Chinese sports journal is“Physical Education Journal", the Englishjoumal IS “Medicineand Science in Sport and Exercise". The most of citations are English literatures, the vast majority of cited materials are from periodicals (53.8%). Only 30.0% of the citations were published in the last five years, the most cited doctoral dissertations or theses are from“National Taiwan Normal University". Conclusions: Data presented in this study will help readers to understand the situation and trendency of research citations in Physical Education Journal, and the other related journals in Taiwan.
