
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中共統治五十年的理論與實際黨的領導
卷期 42:9
並列篇名 The Theory and Practice of Chinese Communist Rule in the Past Five Decades: The Role of the CCP's Leadership
作者 吳安家
頁次 1-12
關鍵字 紅色資本家資本主義一國社會主義一黨專政red capitalistscapitalismsocialism in one countryOne party dictatorshipTSSCI
出刊日期 199909




The Chinese Communists have never abandoned the goal of socialism since their take-over of the Chinese mainland in 1949. Through ideological indoctrination and monopolization of political and economic resources under the practice of the “one-partydictatorship" by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Communist authorities have been able to control people's thinking and way of life.
However, with the progress of the reform and opening-up policy, the CCP has been caught in a dilemma of whether to be dogmatic or pragmatic. If the Communists relinquishes its power over the distribution of political and economic resources and forsakes its right of ideological interpretation, the “fourcardinal principles" upheld by the CCP would be discontinued. As a result, while continuing to carryon the reform and open-up policy, the Communist authorities have simultaneously sought to educate and mobilize its party cadres and the masses through political movements. However, as more and more people begin to be skeptical over the superiority of socialism, the CCP will find itself unable to remain comfortably in its chair of “one-partydictatorship" for long.
