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篇名 黨國體制下黨與立法機構關係的若干思考-中國大陸個案分析
卷期 42:9
並列篇名 Some Thoughts on the PartyLegislature Relations of Leninist Regimes: The Case of China
作者 趙建民
頁次 13-25
關鍵字 中共全國人民代表大會決策權決定權黨政關係社會主義政治變遷後椏權式發展型威權政體列寧式黨國體制Leninist party-state systemjue-ding quanjiecher quanparty-state relationstransition in socialist countriespost-totalitarian authoritarian developmental stateTSSCI
出刊日期 199909




A patry-state regime invariably features an omnipotent vanguard political party monopolizing, in the name of the people, the means of dictatorship including the military, police, and judicial organs. Embarrassingly situated between the subjects of the dictatorship and the dictatorial power structure, the legislature is usually treated as a tool for legitimacy. Thus, while its legislative and supervisory roles are often downplayed, the function of representation is purportedly augmented. This is why a system of proportionate representation is so important in the People's Congress system of China so that people from all walks of life, fang fang mian mian, are selected to reflect the “granddemocracy" set forth by their revolutionary ideals.
In a word, the CCP has refused to relinquish power to the People's Con-
、gresses in two areas: decision-making and supervision. One of the main built- in defects of the representative systems of Leninist regimes has been the contradiction between the authority of the people and that of the party. IfPeople's Congresses ar'e to be the ultimate source of power as is stipulated in the constitution, how then is the party able to exercise leadership without compromising that privilege? At issue then is the controversy cocerning their respective rights of decision-making, the Party'sjie-cher quan and the PC'sjueding quan.
