
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 建構跨世紀的兩岸關係一正視一個分泊中國的現實問題
卷期 42:9
並列篇名 Reconstructing Cross-Strait Relations at the Turnof the New Century: Looking Squarely at the Reality of a Divided China
作者 趙春山
頁次 41-50
關鍵字 兩岸關係分治互信國際化mutual confidence internati onalizationcross-strait relationsa divided ChinaTSSCI
出刊日期 199909




There has long been problems in relations across the Taiwan Strait. This can be viewed from the various responses to President Lee Teng-hui's declaration that cross-Strait relations should be handled on a “specialstate-to-state" basis. The possibility is low for the two sides to improve their relations if they do not take into consideration a number of facts. First, cross-Strait relations are not to be decided by any side but by the development of the two sides as well as the world as a whole. Second, the failure in setting a relatively acceptable position in mutual relations has created many complex problems. As the two sides respectively have their own realms of jurisdiction, Taiwan and mainland China should try to devise a workable method to handle matters through negotiations. Third, interaction between the two sides should follow new rules of the game given the changing international situation. Fourth, military confrontation between the two sides is likely to continue before both sides can build up mutual confidence. Therefore, Taiwan and mainland should refrain from entering into conflict with each other, but rather seek to create more opportunities for mutual cooperation. Finally, while reconstructing their relations at the turn of the new century, the two sides should work for a common goal in line with global developments.
