
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 跨世紀兩岸關係的發展前景一國家統一的前提是民主
卷期 42:9
並列篇名 Cross-Strait Relations at the Turnof the Century: The Premise of National Unification is Democracy
作者 董立文
頁次 51-66
關鍵字 政治改革民主統一民主和平political reformdemocratic unificationdemocracy and peaceTSSCI
出刊日期 199909




Since the 1980s, the beginning of democratization in Taiwan and the interaction acrossing the Taiwan Strait have become the two bases of Lee Tenghuei's Mainland policy. Taiwan's Democratization has deeply influenced cross-strait relations, making the application of “onecountry, two systems" impossible. Democracy is in itself a peaceful solution to disputes The PRC, still an author-itarian state, is considered as a threat by the international community. Therefore the democratization of the PRC is the key factor affecting the security of. the Asia-Pacific region and the stability of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan's democratization experience .has established a model for the future development of Mainland China; democratization and peaceful unification also fol fill the. Yea rn ing of 1.2billion Chinese people. The best interest of the Chinese people lies in the “realizationof democracy, consolidation of peace, and seeking of unification" .
