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篇名 運用運動訓練維持失智老人如廁功能之探討
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Maintaining Toileting Activities in Dementia Elders:The Efficacy of Applying an Exercise Program
作者 陳昱合張素嫺方妙君蔡美利
頁次 265-272
關鍵字 如廁功能失智老人運動計畫toiletingdementia eldersexercise program
出刊日期 200912


背 景無法自行如廁被視為失智老人日常生活活動功能邁入嚴重依賴的關鍵之一。然而目前缺乏一個以理論為基礎的照護措施來維持或促進老人如廁功能,繼而延緩依賴程度。目 的運動訓練介入後,對失智老人如廁行為能力之探討。方 法運動介入措施設計是以Bandura的社會認知理論為基礎,執行為期8週的步行及下肢負重運動訓練。本研究採單組、重複測試研究設計,研究對象為26位失智症接受日托照顧的老人。於運動訓練介入前、介入後第四週、及第八週檢測其體適能,與如廁能力的變化。結 果研究結果顯示體適能及如廁功能雖有變化,但無統計上顯著意義。結 論/實務應用如廁功能雖無顯著變化,也未見退步,如廁能力因運動訓練的介入,仍保有某種程度的獨立功能。建議未來的研究,宜採實驗性、長期追蹤性研究設計,較能呈現本運動計畫之顯著效益。


Background: Toileting disabilities may be a signal of declining ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) in the elderly with dementia. Few studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of applying theory-based caring models to maintaining or improving toileting abilities, which can delay the progress of ADL dependency.Purpose: This study was designed to examine the effectiveness in maintaining /improving toileting behaviors of an exercise program administered to elders with dementia in Taiwan.Methods: The exercise program was designed based on Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory. The program included walking and lower extremities weight training. The study employed a single study group, repeated measure research design. Twenty-six elderly individuals with dementia were recruited from a single daycare center. Data were obtained
at three time points (baseline, 1-month post-intervention, and 2-months post-intervention).Results: While results showed slight changes in physical fitness scores and toileting activity, neither were statistically significant.Conclusions / Implication for Practice: Although the self-toileting abilities of participants did not improve after receiving the regular exercise training program, their toileting activity performance did not decline further. Further research
using experimental and longitudinal research designs are suggested to further understand the practical potential of such targeted exercise programs.
