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篇名 護理系學生對內外科護理臨床能力鑑定考試滿意度調查之前驅性試驗初探
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Nursing Student Satisfaction in a Developed Clinical Performance Examination for Medical-Surgery Nursing: A Pilot Study
作者 吳淑芳鍾美玲陳妙言周成蕙梁淑媛陳美玲蔡秀鸞
頁次 283-292
關鍵字 能力鑑定考試內外科護理照護能力clinical performance exammedial-surgical nursingclinical competence
出刊日期 200912


背 景內外科護理是護理學生必備的基礎實務能力,透過「內外科護理臨床能力鑑定考試」可以測試學生的問題解決能力、批判性思考能力、主動學習及執行臨床實務能力,以作為未來內外科護理課程改善之依據。目 的探討大學護理系學生對內外科護理臨床能力鑑定考試之看法與滿意度。方 法採用問卷調查研究法,樣本數為30位學生,6位護理系教師及6位臨床護理人員。以「內外科實務能力滿意度」、「內外科評量滿意度」、「自學手冊滿意度」、「學習相關經驗」等工具收集受試學生之施測意見。結 果受試學生對於內外科實務能力滿意度之結果顯示,以提升批判思考能力之滿意度最高平均為3.93(SD= 0.80),且考試挑戰性高。此外,自學手冊滿意度得分最低的項目為閱讀手冊後具信心可通過考試,平均得分為2.70(SD = 0.92),推測與手冊內容複雜和考試情境壓力有關。結 論參與前驅試驗學生對內外科護理臨床能力鑑定模式表示肯定,「內外科實務能力滿意度」、「內外科評量滿意度」、「自學手冊滿意度」等問卷滿意度總平均分數達3.30~3.69分。實務應用本研究可提供教師們在教學設計上的參考,以提升臨床照護實務能力。


Background: Medical-surgical nursing is one component of essential clinical nursing competence. Clinical performance in nursing examination (CPNE) can assess an individual’s problem solving, critical thinking, and autonomic learning abilities as well as clinical skills. Study results may be referenced in efforts to improve nursing education and the CPNE.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the satisfaction with the CPNE among college nursing students who participated in the CPNE for Medical-Surgery Nursing.Methods: A total of 30 nursing college students, 6 faculty members, and 6 senior nurses participated in this pilot
study. Data were collected using survey questionnaires that incorporated the following surveys: Satisfaction of Nursing College Students in Competence Training, Clinical Performance Examination Satisfaction, and Learning Process Experience.Results: Respondents had the highest satisfaction on the item “CPE enhanced critical thinking”, with a mean of 3.93 (SD = 0.80). While respondents identified CPE content as clearly presented (mean = 2.70, SD = 0.92), they still expressed a lack of confidence in being able to pass. This latter finding may due to the complexity of the self-preparation booklet and stresses felt during the actual examination.Conclusions: Respondents held positive attitudes toward the CPE. Satisfaction in “Nursing college students attitudes
toward competence training”, “Satisfaction in the CPE”, and “Experience related to the learning process” all scored in the 3.30 to 3.69 range.
Implications for practice: Study results may serve as references to nursing educators teaching medical-surgical nursing in order to raise clinical competence in nursing college students.
