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篇名 A Research on the Management Systems and Regulations regarding Safety and Health of Foreign Workers
卷期 17:3
作者 Li, Lien-hsiungLu, Pey-lingCheng, Shu-fang
頁次 300-321
關鍵字 Foreign workersOccupational safety and healthManagement
出刊日期 200909



Most foreign blue-collar workers work in more dirty and dangerous environment than native workers. The incidence of occupational accident is higher in foreign workers than local workers and is related to the gap of language, culture, and lifestyle as well as lack of proper occupational safety and health training. According to the statistical data of Bureau of Labor Insurance, Council of Labor Affairs, the occupational injuries rate in Taiwan-Fukien area is 4.439% for native workers and 5.855% for employed foreign workers in 2007. In order to ensure human rights and reduce the incidence of accident of foreign workers in our workplace, this research collected occupational safety and health management for foreign workers in other countries.
The basic data of foreign workers in the US, UK, Japan, Australia, and Singapore were collected.The occupational safety and health management activities of foreign workers were mainly acquired by the network, E-mail consultation, and the official database of the authorities.The data shows that, in these countries, there are no difference in occupational safety and health management between native workers and foreign workers. But, they all enforce to reduce the foreign workers occupational accidents by specialized occupational safety and health management activities. The research collected and compared foreign workers specialized occupational safety and health management of other countries, then proposed some suggestions to improve foreign workers occupational safety and health management in Taiwan, including strengthening the function and responsibility of special task force of foreign workers, enhancing the education and training in occupational safety and health, require occupational safety and health certification before work,strengthen the obligation of employer, emphasize the occupational safety and health inspection.
