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篇名 勞工暴露活動與時間運作偵測技術研究成果應用-局限空間勞工活動監測
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 The Application of the Electronic Time-Activity-Pattern Recorder in Confined Space
作者 黃福全王鵬堯石東生陳暐祁
頁次 322-334
關鍵字 局限空間勞工活動監測無線紅外線Confined spaceTime-activity-patternWirelessInfrared
出刊日期 200909




A new information system for confine space management has been developed in this research.This system consists of time-activity-pattern monitor units, wireless communication units, personal video units, chemical sensors, and data management units, can detect work's exposures, activities,locations, and biological signs in real time manners. Field supervisors can easily monitor real-time information, such as area and personal chemical concentrations, live videos, workers' positions and movements, with an user-friendly graphical software that provides not only real-time messages and also functions for events playback. This software can also send signals to a specific worker and trigger series of alarms based on situations that a particular worker has been experienced.The laboratory tests showed that the system could run formally when 1, 2, and 4 workers were in simulating area and that dada can be collected as expected. The worker's position, exposure, activity,images could be directly observed and reviewed on manager's screen. The results were very promising and we strongly believed that the accident rate can be reduced if the system can be carefully applied in confined working space.
