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篇名 台灣屠宰場勞工豬鏈球菌盛行率之調查
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 A Survey of the Prevalence of Swine Streptococcus on Abattoir Workers in Taiwan
作者 熊映美張靖男沈詠梅熊家媛廖朝政林昌棋
頁次 353-364
關鍵字 人畜共染疾病豬鏈球菌屠宰業勞工職業病ZoonensisAbattoir workersOccupational diseaseStreptococcus suis
出刊日期 200909




Streptococcus is important in the zoonoses. It may cause pneumonia, polyserositis, meningitis,abscessation, cellulitis and valvular endocarditis. Workers of animal industry may be exposed to zoonic pathogens when expose to the animal bodies as suspective carriers.A survey of streptococcal exposure was studied within 2001, in the abattoir workers in Taiwan.The basic information, including work history, exposed factors and the doubtful symptom were obtained by questionnaire. High-risk workers might be respected by analyzing the relationships of the
results of examination and work types, trials from questionnaires etc. Streptococcus suis was used as the test strain. Exposure conditions were evaluated by serum titers and carrier state of workers were examined by swabbing the throat and skin. Groups of Streptococcus were swabbed in 24 hrs and examined by cultures on blood agar plates. The percentage was calculated by the colonies which were judged by the morphological characteristics and hemolytic properties after incubation.Overall, surveys of 4 abattoirs were in similar sanitary operation procedures. It shows that the number of colonies of Streptococcus suis counted from the fallen bacteria in the abattoir area is higher than the office area. In total, there are 118 workers with complete questionnaires, blood sample and swab samples. Among 76 workers in the exposed group, and 42 of the non-exposed group,high incidences of cellulitis and valvular endocarditis, were 1.7% (2) and 6.8% (8), respectively. No statistical significance in data from questionnaires was shown between the susceptive syndromes and-5 carrier state. The results indicate that the cough and phlegm are related with the oral S. suis (p<0.05).Additionally, it shows 99.2% (117) positive rate in antibody test. A higher carrier rate was observed in exposed group both on the hand surface and oral swab, as 60.4±17.6 and 67.5±16.9 (%) in percentage, otherwise, of the unexposed group as 0.5±1.4 and 1.1±2.4 (%), respectively. It shows a significant difference in the result of oral swab (p=0.033, ANOVA). Furthermore, from the results of work jobs, it suggest that contact to the internal organs of pig might be a high risk factor (p=0.052,ANOVA).In conclusion, workers in slaughter house have been exposed to swine Streptococcus, and a part of them were possibly infected.
