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篇名 利用串聯式液相層析質譜法同時分析丙烯醯胺職業暴露工人尿液代謝物
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Simultaneous Determination of Urinary Mercapturic Acids for Acrylamide Exposed Workers by LC-MS/MS
作者 吳焜裕陳美蓮劉紹興汪禧年黃鈺芳
頁次 385-397
關鍵字 丙烯醯胺尿液代謝物N-acetyl-S-(propionamide)-cysteine(AAMA)N-acetyl-S-(carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-cysteine(GAMA2)Acrylamide液相層析串聯式質譜儀N-acetyl-S-N-acetyl-S-(3-amino-2-hydroxy-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine (GAMA3)N-acetyl-S-N-acetyl-S-Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
出刊日期 200909


丙烯醯胺(acrylamide, AA)在工業上為良好的黏著劑,用於水泥灌漿及生化實驗室中使用的電泳膠等。國際癌症中心將AA歸類為人類可能之致癌物。因此,使用工人有職業暴露的危害風險。AA在體內受解毒酵素glutathione transferase 催化與glutathione反應結合,形成N-acetyl-S-(propionamide)- cystein(AAMA);另外,亦經由cytochrome P450 2E1代謝後產生環氧代謝物 glycidamide再進一步形成N-acetyl-S-(carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-cysteine(GAMA2)與 N-acetyl-S-(3-amino-2-hydroxy-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine(GAMA3)由尿中排出。本研究目前已成功建立液相層析串聯式質譜儀(LC-MS/MS)同時分析尿中GAMA2、AAMA與GAMA3之方法,並收集AA職場暴露勞工上班前後的尿液進行分析。GAMA2、GAMA3及AAMA尿中之偵測極限分別是<10 ng/mL、20 ng/mL及5 ng/mL。AA暴露工人尿中GAMA2、GAMA3與AAMA的可偵測率分別為34%,38%與 92%,其幾何平均(範圍)濃度分別為38.2 (8.1-343)(μg/g creatinine),94.9(10.8-1754.6)(μg/g creatinine)與516.7(4.7-115843)(μg/g creatinine)。暴露組工作前後尿中代謝物AAMA與GAMA(GAMA2與GAMA3的總和)的自然對數呈正相關,達統計上顯著差異(皮爾森相關係數 r = 0.695, p < 0.001)。結果顯示,職業暴露工人之尿中三種代謝物,以AAMA濃度最高且顯著地高於控制組,本研究建議以尿中代謝物AAMA當作AA職業暴露之內在生物指標。


Acrylamide (AA) has been widely used in industry to produce flocculants and grouting agents as well as in biological laboratories for the preparation of polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis.It is classified as a probable human carcinogen (Group 2A) by the IARC. Workers are at risk of AA exposures. AA can be metabolized into AA N-acetyl-S-(propionamide)-cysteine (AAMA) and of Glycidamide (GA) N-acetyl-S-(carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-cysteine (GAMA2) and N-acetyl-S-(3-amino-2-hydroxy-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine (GAMA3). Analysis of these mercapturic acids (MAs) can serve as biomarkers for AA exposures and illustrate the metabolism of AA in human. In our study, a liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was developed to simultaneously analyze urinary AAMA, GAMA2 and GAMA3 for the AA-exposed workers. Fifty six AA-exposed workers and 36 controls were recruited and provided a pair of pre- and post-shift urine samples for this study.The results showed the limit of detection (LOD) values were <10 ng/mL (GAMA2) , 20 ng/mL (GAMA3) and 5 ng/mL (AAMA) in urine and the detection rate was 34%, 38% and 92% for GAMA2,GAMA3 and AAMA, respectively. The geometric mean (range) level of GAMA2, GAMA3 and AAMA in the whole collective (n=100) was 38.2 (8.1-343) (μg/gcreatinine), 94.9(10.8-1754.6) (μg/g creatinine) and 516.7 (4.7-115843) (μg/g creatinine), respectively. There was a significantly positive correlation between naturally log-transformed concentrations of AAMA and naturally log-transformed GAMA2 and GAMA3 (Pearson correlation: r=0.695, p<0.001). Besides, the pre-and post-shift urinary AAMA concentrations for the AA-exposed workers were higher than those for the controls.These results suggest that AAMA can serve as a sensitive, specific, non-invasive, and easily accessible
biomarker for AA exposures.
