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篇名 非破壞性缺陷檢測技術用於矽基太陽電池與模組
卷期 31:3=173
並列篇名 Introduction of Non-Destructive Displaying Defects Technology for Silicon-Based Solar Cell and Module
作者 彭成瑜林福銘黃振隆
頁次 035-042
出刊日期 200912




A comprehensive overview of the non-destructive inspection utilized luminescence imaging is presented for characterizing the defects in the silicon-based solar cell. As a semiconductor device, silicon based device will emit near infrared light the same as a light-emitting diode (LED) by exciting the band gap. The charge coupled device (CCD) camera with high sensitivity and high dynamic range is able to display precisely the defect properties by electroluminescence (EL). In measurement mode contacted to power supply, the radiation emission by the solar cell can be recorded by the CCD camera with different spectrum ranges. In addition, the non-destructive inspection is satisfied for the large area and fast detection demands. The defects in the solar cells, including finger printing, bus bar printing, micro crack defect, broken defect and local efficiency, can be detected in the resolved solar cell characterization, processing parameter feedback and quality control of PV production.

