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篇名 液態核磁共振光譜技術在蛋白質藥物設計之運用
卷期 31:3=173
並列篇名 Application of Solution NMR in Protein Drug Design
作者 許家豪莊偉哲
頁次 043-052
出刊日期 200912




During recent years, protein therapeutics are increasingly used for the treatment of many diseases. This trend lights on the significant role of protein drugs in the development of drugs. To facilitate the applications of biologically functional protein in drug design, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of their conformations and their interactions with the receptors. NMR spectroscopy has the unique ability to retrieve information about 3D structures of proteins and their interactions with the target proteins in solution. Many NMR techniques have been used to study a number of pharmaceutically important proteins and characterize their interactions with the targets. In this review, we will introduce these NMR methods and show how to utilize them for protein drug design.

