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篇名 發光二極體燈具設計
卷期 31:3=173
並列篇名 Design of Light Emitting Diodes Lamp
作者 洪茂峰林世雄邱馨慧項嵩仁姜志輝
頁次 060-068
出刊日期 200912


本文已成功地將不同散角之LED光源建立於光學軟體中,並設計垂直與倒V兩種方向之反光模組來達到所需之場形。燈具設計模擬與實作之最佳化結果為散角140。之LED光源,其與垂直反光板夾角為70°,模擬與實作倒V反光板角度為(l,18)與(l, 15)。所得之發光效率為44.87 Im/W,燈具轉換效率為59.1% '模擬與實作之配光曲線圖相關係數高於98.3%。並針對實作路燈進行真實照度模擬,在平均照度為161x、平均輝度為0.78cd/m2、整體均齊度為0.5、縱向均齊度為0.7及門檻增量值為4'對照國際照明委員會(CI目標準,此設計之LED路燈可應用於次要道路照明。


In this thesis, we use the optical simulation software to design the LED lighting lamps that correspond to national legislation in this essay and then achieve solid-state lighting. Itis successful to utilize different diffusion angle of LED to build in optical simulation software. Besides, design of both directions on vertical and A -shaped lighting reflection modules to attain the patterns that we need in this essay. The LED simulation and fabrication optimum view angle of designed lamps is 140°, with the angle 70° of vertical reflection board and the angle (1, 18) and (1, 15) of A -shaped reflection board. In addition, the data of Luminous Intensity Distribution Curve correspond to the lamp characters of Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Correlation of simulation and real works is higher than 98.3% at the luminous efficiency 44.87 1m/W with the conversion efficiency up to 59.1 %. For the real works of street lightings, the values of Overall Uniformity, Longitudinal Uniformity, and Threshold Increment are 0.5,0.7, and 4 respectively when performing the real illumination simulation at average illumination 161x and average luminance 0.78 cd/m2. Compare to standards of CIE (Commission International de l'Eclairage), this design can be applied for the lighting of minor roads.

