
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 廣東省對外貿易的發展模式
卷期 41:2
並列篇名 The Pattern of Guangdong's Foreign Trade
作者 趙甦成
頁次 017-075
關鍵字 廣東外貿體制外貿模式對外貿易外資Guangdongforeign tradeforeign direct investmenttrade patternTSSCI
出刊日期 199802


大陸歷經中央集權與計畫經濟體制數十年的運作下,令人難以置信的自一九七八年以來,開始出現了經濟地方分權化(decentralization)的發展趨勢。外貿與外資政策的地方分權化,再加上各地方政 府在拓展對外貿易,以及在引進外資方面,所表現出來的差異性,造成了各省區在經濟發展上的落差和不平衡,以及大陸區域性的發展不均衡,並與中央政府的傳統權威逐漸形成相互抗衡的局面。


Since 1978, economic decentralization has played an important role in the deconstruction of mainland China's planned economic system. The decentralization of trade and investment policies at the provincial level has not only resulted in the disparity of regional economic development, but also intensified the potential conflict between the cen.ter and localities. Owing to its excellent geographical location and open policy, Guangdong has developed its econmics very successfully by means of foreign trade and foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment in Guangdong has been mainly concentrated in manufacturing industries, which have enhanced the flow of Guangdong's foreign trade. The pattern of investment-induced trade has thus determined the magnitude and composition of Guangdong's foreign trade.
