
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大陸環境保護工作中的入口管理理論與問題
卷期 41:2
並列篇名 The Theory and Issues of Population Management in Mainland China's Environmental Protection Work
作者 陳墇津
頁次 033-076
關鍵字 人口管理環境保護環境管理人口學計劃生育population managementenvironmental protectionenvironmental managementdemographyfamily planningTSSCI
出刊日期 199802




This article will deal with the following questions: How does mainland China's environmental protection leadership view the question concerning population management in relation to environmental protection? What are the particular stresses that have been placed on population management work? Will some major aspects of environmental protection work not be thoroughly fulfilled because of these stresses? What are the root causes for such an outcome? The author will also give some examples to justify his arguments. As far as the ecological environment is concerned, population management is a part of environmental management, which falls under environmental protection. In mainland China, environmental management involves a wide range of issues, but because of limited space, this article will only examine mainland China's environmental management in relations to population management.
