
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大陸「社會力量辦學」發展趨勢之研析
卷期 41:2
並列篇名 An Analysis of Schools Sponsored by Social Resources in Mainland China
作者 范利民
頁次 047-077
關鍵字 社會力量辦學社會力量辦學條例民辦教育私人辦學辦學的規模辦學的演進辦學的經費來源熱點課題公有民辦Stipulations of Schools Sponsored by Social Resourcespeoplesponsored educationprivate shcoolsscope of educational institutions, development of school sponsorship, school financial resourceshot issuespublicowned and private-operated schoolsTSSCI
出刊日期 199802




The term “schoolssponsored by social resources" has been in formal use since the publication of Stipulations for the Schools Sponsored by Social Resources. Itrefers to all non-government-sponsored schools and educational institutions. As it is, non-government-sponsored schools were absent from mainland China for a period of nearly thirty years. In 1982, non-government-sponsored institutions began to reapperar in the mainland, but at that time, the Chinese Communistgovernment did not give a clear stance on its policy; thus, these schools remained small and undeveloped. Since 1992, the Chinese Communistgovernment has begun to encourage the development of schools sponsored by social resources, and related stipulations and regulations have been issued to hasten their spread. They have hence begun to flourish. and grow in number, although they have also begun to meet difficulties andhindrances in their operation. However, shcools sponsored by non-governmental resources are definitely an addition to the develpoment of non-governmental education as a whole. Therefore, the Chinese Communistgovernment's best option is to advocate and encourage the development of such schools in mainland China.
