
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 當代大陸教育改革議程之文化價值分析
卷期 41:2
並列篇名 An Analysis of Cultural Values in Modern China's Educational
作者 吳榮鎮
頁次 061-078
關鍵字 文化價值文化霸權素質教育教育價值人學東方社會理論cultural valuescultural hegemonyliberal educationeducational valueshumanismEastern socialist theoryTSSCI
出刊日期 199802




Since its establishment in 1949, the PRC government's educational policy has changed violently, but has always placed stress on cultural values. Therefore, the PRC government has devoted itself to gaining leadership in interpretation in the areas of education and culture.
In the last ten years, The PRC government has practiced its educational reform agenda in order to develop socialism market economics, and has announced the following policies since 1985 as the main educational reforms in the 1990s and even the next century:“CCPCC's Decision on Educational Reform",“China's Program for Educational Development and Reform",“China's Agenda for the 21st century-White Paper on China's Populations, Enviroment, and Development in the 21st Century"; and “China'sEducational Develpment Program for the 9th Five-Year Plan Period and for the Period 2010 befire. "

As intimate interactions are taking place between education and culture, it is essential to study the cultural value of educational reform in Mainland China.
