
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中共文藝政策溯源
卷期 41:7
並列篇名 The Origin of the PRe's Policy on Literature and Art
作者 周玉山
頁次 021-081
關鍵字 文藝政策馬克思恩格斯列寧斯大林literature and art policyMarxEngelsLeninStalinTSSCI
出刊日期 199807




Since the People's Republic of China ( PRC ) formed an official literature and art policy, there have often been rectification campaigns in mainland China's literary and art circles. Mao Zedong did not form his own views on literature and art, though he himself occasionally wrote poems. He inherited the “Partyspirit" ideology of proletarian literature and art, advocated by Marx and Engels and further developed by Lenin and Stalin. During the Yan'an Period, he decided to follow Stalin in demanding that literature and art serve the workers, peasants and soldiers as these groups, along with the urban petty bourgeoisie, constituted more than 90 percent of the total population of China.

He reiterated Lenin's remark that literature and art were “cogsand screws" destined to fulfill their allotted roles in the “proletarianmachine,\" and should not be allowed to develop freely. Although Mao has been dead for more than two decades, his ideas on literature and art still remain dominant in mainland China. In literature and art policy, Mao did copy both from Lenin and Stalin, leading to the Sovietization of literature and art in mainland China. The Cultural Revolution marked the climax of this Sovietization tragedy.
