
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大陸高校教師聘任制度之研析
卷期 41:12
並列篇名 The System .of Recruiting and Promoting University Teachers in the Chinese Mainland
作者 王瑞琦
頁次 059-095
關鍵字 大陸高等教育教師聘任211工程Mainland Chinese higher educationsystem for faculty recruitment and promotion211 ProjectTSSCI
出刊日期 199812


一九九三年,中共推出「211」工程,宣布將在本世紀末重點建造世界一 流名枝,並培育學術大師。此一政策旋即成為大陸高等教育改革的動力。為了擠入名單之內,爭食該工程的經費大餅,大陸各高校無不致力於提升學術水平,其中師資隊伍的建設更是各方關注的焦點。推行多年、效果不彰的教師聘任制,終於得以擺脫平均主義的牽絆,邁步向前。本篇從學術發展的角度分析大陸高校教師聘任制度的推行與建立。


In 1993, the PRC declared that by the end of the century, the Chinese mainland would build up 100 first-rate universities and at the same time cultivate a number of world-class scientists. This “211Project" has revived the reforms of the higher education system that had been left stagnant in the wake of the June 4th Incident. Many key universities have been able to overcome the decade-long“big-pot" system by promoting young faculties and recruiting new blood from abroad. This paper is a study of the reforms of the system of promotion and recruitment of new higher education teaching personnel.
