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篇名 大學與中小學夥伴關係發展的評析
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 The Development of University-School Partnerships: A Literature Review
作者 孫志麟
頁次 151-179
關鍵字 夥伴關係教師素質師資教育協同合作partnershipteacher qualityteacher educationcollaborationTSSCI
出刊日期 200912




The development of university-school partnerships is an important issue in teacher education policy and practice. However, the nature and value of university-school partnerships is not well understood. The development of university-school partnerships has positive impacts for both universities and schools. Through partnership, schools can gain new ideas and knowledge, while universities can get renewal from the access to school practices. In the long run, teacher quality can be improved in the process of partnership development. To enhance teacher quality, universities and schools need to establish partnerships, reinforce collaboration, and invest in teachers' professional development. This paper focuses on the development of university-school partnerships and proposes implications for both teacher education and school practices that can enhance the quality of teachers. First, it described the origins, the concepts, and the types of university-school partnerships. Then, the developmental process of university-school partnerships was analyzed. Further, it examined the benefits and problems of university-school partnerships. Finally, some implications for developing university-school partnerships were discussed.
