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篇名 國小數學教科書代數教材之內容分析:台灣與香港之比較
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 The Content Analysis of Algebra Material in the Elementary Mathematic Textbooks of Taiwan and Hong Kong
作者 徐偉民徐于婷
頁次 67-94
關鍵字 內容分析法代數教材國小數學教科書elementary mathematics textbookalgebraic materialcontent analysis methodTSSCI
出刊日期 200912




This study was to explore how algebra materials were presented in the elementary mathematics textbooks in Taiwan and Hongkong. Kang-Hsuan version of mathematics textbook for 9 year compulsory education in Taiwan, and 21 century modern version in Hongkong were analyzed through content analysis. Analytic categories were designed to analyze the distribution arrangement of algebraic concepts between the two versions of math textbooks. This study found that although algebra contents are presented differently between the two versions, the overall teaching goals of the algebra content are similar: both emphasized the concepts of “building basic algebra concepts”, and “understand and apply symbols of unknown quantity”. There was a different arrangement of algebra concepts: Taiwan adopted a spiral method and integrated with number as a unit, whereas Hong Kong adopted a thematic method and presented independent unit of algebra. The presentation and arrangement of algebra concepts were mostly consistent with the teaching goals set by the two countries. According to statistical results of category counting, “relation and equation”, and “basic algebra concepts” algebra contents occurs most often in both versions of the elementary mathematic textbooks.
