
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 世紀之交中共的軍事政策與亞太安全:防禦取向模糊性的探討
卷期 42:3
並列篇名 Mainland China's Military Policy and Asian-Pacific Security: A Critique of Defensive Orientation
作者 張雅君
頁次 025-044
關鍵字 防禦性軍事政策攻勢性軍事政策亞太安全積極防禦中共威脅論螺旋模式政策貪婪國家高技術條件下局部戰爭defensive military policyoffensive military policyAsian-Pacific securityactive defenseChina threatSpiral modeldeterrence modelgreedy statelocal war under high-tech conditionTSSCI
出刊日期 199903




After the end of the cold war, Mainland China has further developed her security, including emphasis on becoming a maritime power, and has continued to advance military modernization with the emphasis of “localwar under high-tech conditions." This policy orientation apparently creates misgivings for the United States and East Asian countries, leading to the increase of the China threat perception. Therefore, China still faces severely potential threats from the U.S., Japan and India at the turn of the century. Since 1995, China has continually stressed that its security policy is defensive in nature in order to improve international reputations and prevent formulating anti-China policy other countries might do. However, the active defense military strategy that China emphasizes can also be viewed as offensive. Moreover, her doctrine of local war under high-tech conditions contains more elements of active deterrence in fact. Additionally, in spite of stressing the pace of incremental development in military modernization, China has concentrated defense resources on selectively strategic items, such as missile technology and information warfare. This ambiguity between offensive and active military strategy necessarily makes it difficult for the U.S. and neighboring countries to not to be concern about Chinese military threat. The current trends of Asian security, therefore, still mirrors containment and anti-containment situations that existed in the cold war period.
