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篇名 以模糊德菲術建構國民小學校長領導能力評鑑指標之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Research on Elementary School Principal’s Leadership Competence Evaluation Indicators Based on Fuzzy Delphi Method
作者 江鴻鈞
頁次 35-63
關鍵字 evaluation indicatorsleadership competencefuzzy Delphi評鑑指標領導能力模糊德菲術
出刊日期 200606


本研究除了文獻分析外,並採用對政策利害關係人的問卷調查,藉以蒐集專家對國民小學校長領導能力評鑑指標之意見及看法,所選定參與意見者包括學者9人、教育行政人員6人、國民小學校長9人和國民小學教師8人,問卷全數收回,所採用之研究工具為「國民小學校長領導能力評鑑指標建構─德菲術調查問卷」,資料分析利用Microsoft Windows 2003 Server + II S6.0中文版作業系統之APS網頁Script語言,自行開發之Web線上評鑑指標篩選系統以EXCEL 2000版運算功能,求出各評鑑指標之三角模糊數,以擷取適當之評鑑指標。研究結果建構出:
一、 一級指標涵括理念、態度、認知及技能四大向度。
二、 理念向度分為全球思維、創新求進、統觀洞視、歷史視野等4項核心能力;態度向度分為挫折容忍、終身學習、壓力調適、積極進取等4項核心能力;認知向度分為行政領導、專業素養、課程教學等3項核心能力;技能向度分為行政領導、公共關係、危機處理、時間管理與經營策略等5項核心能力;共16項核心能力,為二級指標。
三、 各核心能力分別發展出2至7個細目指標,共 55個,為三級指標。


The main purposes of this study were to explore the theoretical foundation about elementary school principal’s leadership competence;and to analyze the critical and framework of indicators measuring principal’s leadership competence.
Literature review and questionnaires survey were conducted in this study. Gathered from stakeholder’s opinion help to constitute data base of this research, the stakeholders include 9 scholars;6 administrational personnel;9 elementary principals and 8 school teachers. The tools applied is “Delphi investigation questionnaires about elementary school principal’s leadership competence”.
The triangular fuzzy number of evaluation indicators are base on Microsoft Windows 2003 Server + II Chinese Education APS Script language author’s own inventive Web online discriminative calculation system with EXCEL 2000 Result of the research:
1. Indicators of the first degree are:concept, attitude, cognition and skill.
2. Indicators of the second degree include 16 core abilities.
Concept:global thinking, creativity, adaptability and activity.
Attitude:tolerance, life─long learning, adaptability and activity.
Congnition:leadership, professionism, curriculum and teaching.
Skill:administrational skills, public relationship, crisis management, time management and strategy of operation.
3. 54 sub─abilities developed from the above 16 core ability are rated as Indicators of the third degree.
All of the indicators mentioned are tools to evaluate elementary school principal’s leadership competence.
