
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大陸高等教育「211工程」之研析
卷期 41:8
並列篇名 A Study of the 211 Project of Higher Education in MainlandChina
作者 范利氏
頁次 031-078
關鍵字 211工程部門預審總體建設規劃重點學科點重點高校211 Projectkey universiwdepartmental reviewgeneral construction planningkey fields of studyTSSCI
出刊日期 199808




The “211Project" is the extension and enlargement of an old education task in孔1ainland China, developing the so-called “keyschools" of higher education. Subsequently, there will be a continued neglect of the development of other levels of education and the educational system as a whole. Therefore, this article argues that only if the PRC is capable of distributing an appropriate and sustained educational budget to the development of higher education in general, will the “211Project" assist higher education in mainland China to reach a higher level of prosperity and development.
