
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大陸城市生活垃圾的處理與問題
卷期 41:8
並列篇名 The Problem of Municipal Domestic Waste and its Disposal in Mainland China
作者 陳墇津
頁次 059-080
關鍵字 資源化城市生活垃圾廢棄物處理reutilizationdisposalwaste materialmunicipal domestic wastesTSSCI
出刊日期 199808




The problem of municipal domestic waste and its environmental pollution in Mainland China had been very serious since the early 1980s. The average rate of growth of municipal domestic waste is 8.98% a year, but with no comparative improvement in the rate of disposal. At present, only a minuscule 2.3% of the total quantity of municipal domestic waste is disposed of properly. Clearly, municipal domestic waste disposal in Mainland China is a serious problem. This paper thus discusses the steps the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) is taking to resolve.
