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篇名 公民結社的結構變遷--公民結社的結構變遷
卷期 36
並列篇名 The Structural Transformation of Civic Association and the Development of NPOs in Taiwan
作者 顧忠華
頁次 123-145
關鍵字 結社自由社會自治非營利組織社會運動公民社會association freedomcivil societysocial movementssocial self-governancenon-profit organization THCITSSCI
出刊日期 199912



Under Martial Law, although the Taiwan's government did not rule by “totalitarism"and KMT's“authoritarism" allowed the market freedom, it still imposed a lot of restrictions on civil non-economic associations_ Meanwhile, there was not a “civilsociety" to take balance with the state in Taiwan_ After lifting Martial Law in 1987, besides the political democratization, the most obvious “structuraltransformation" is the emergence of civil associations_ More and more non-government, non-profit organizations are established_ They try to affect many kinds of public policies, provide welfare service, and even replace some public functions of government_ This essay attempts to understand and explain the cultural meaning represented in this phenomenon by the development of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan_ Itis suggest that autonomic associations can most directly present the movement of civil consciousness, and be indicator of social self-governance_ Therefore, while NPOs become more and more active, it means that there is gradually a “civilsociety" formed in Taiwan_ Compared with East-European countries, this experience has dual importance in theory and practice_ About the framework of this essay, first, I will make reference to the legal condition of civil right during that time, and analyze the consequence of the suppression of civil activities_ Secondly, I try to observe the track of NPOs' development in recent decades in Taiwan and their characteristics presented in the process of social movements_ Finally, taking some theoretical perspectives from other researchers explains the interconnective relations between NPOs and social self-governing, to verify that Taiwan's civil society and political democratization were formed simultaneously, and to find out the possible contribution by which they provided in the future.
