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篇名 實現你的明星夢--台灣婚紗照的消費文化分析
卷期 36
並列篇名 ‘DreamsCome True' - Wedding Photography in Contemporary Taiwan
作者 李玉瑛
頁次 147-186
關鍵字 婚紗照消費文化視覺消費社會實踐愉悅Wedding photographypleasuresocial practicevisual consumptionconsumer cultureTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199912




This paper regards that the consumption practice of the wedding photography in contemporary Taiwan is a social practice_ Although consumers are apt to be decided by the structure, they also can appropriate consumption for their own interests_ Most Taiwanese women inevitably take the wedding photographs before the wedding ceremony, however, they also appropriate the chance of taking the wedding photographs to tryon beautiful dresses to experience the transformation of socially constructed beauty_ At the same time, they deconstruct the myth of beauty and realize that the so-called ‘beauty'isfabricated_ Furthermore, female consumers also experience pleasures in the course of taking the wedding photographs, for instance, gratifying women's vanity, experiencing the-queen-for-a-day, visualization of intimacy_ Those experiences are transient indeed, however, it is worthwhile of having been_ Nevertheless, the wedding photographs can be served as narcissistic use for female consumers all the time.
