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篇名 地方政府的隱身:論台灣音像政策的特徵F以歐美為對照
卷期 36
並列篇名 Disappearing Local Government: peculiarities of Taiwan's audio-visual policy
作者 馮建三
頁次 187-216
關鍵字 廣電政策香港美國英國歐洲聯盟地方政府中央政府有線電視異議電臺地下電臺公共電視電影政策broadcasting policyHong KongUSAUKEuropean Unionlocal governmentcentral governmentdissident radiounderground radiopublic televisionfilm policyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199912




The power of making audio-visual policies in Taiwan is nearly exclusively reserved for the central government. Bearing this feature in mind, this essay examines the Broadcasting Act, the Film Act and the Cable Act and takes note of the fact that local governments have been bestowed with more power on audio-visual matters during the past two decades. In comparison with practices prevailing in the USA and member countries of the European Union, this increase is however negligent. As such, clashes between the central and local governments over rights of allocating broadcasting resources arise since 1990 when some local elections were won by the party opposing the ruling N ationalists. To conclude this paper, the author ponders the prospect whether local governments may grab part of the power and provide more public broadcastmg serVices.
