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篇名 免洗餐具的誕生:醫學知識在台灣的社會性格分析
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Birth of Disposable Utensils in Taiwan:The Social Characteristics of Medical Knowledge in Taiwan
作者 林崇熙
頁次 001-037
關鍵字 免沈餐具A型肝炎B型肝炎台灣科學史Disposable UtensilsThe History of ScienceTaiwαnHepαtitis AHepatitis BTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199812




In the early 1980s, various powers such as scientific research, social inter· 凹的,human relationships, and social changes shaped hepatitis B the primary goal of the public health policy in Taiwan. When Department of Health made great efforts to educate the public how to control hepatitis B, the so·called 、orrectknowledge" such as the mode of transmission or the way of control was still in controversy. However, under the policy considerations and the pressure from congressmen, the disposable utensils, the dining manner of "Chinese food, Western style,\" and the use of common chopsticks and spoons not only became the “correctknowledge" regarding hepatitis B contr<>l, but also reshaped Taiwanese forms of life. Examining the birth of disposable uten· sils and the history of the knowledge regarding hepatitis B in Taiwan, we can understand that medical knowledge in Taiwan is a social practice and dynamic consensus in nature.
