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篇名 阿爾杜塞與意識形態的物質性
卷期 31
並列篇名 Althusser and the Materiality of Idelogy
作者 于治中
頁次 097-113
關鍵字 意識形態阿爾社塞物質性語言ideologyAlthussermaterialitylanguαgeTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199809


本文在於探討阿爾杜塞意識形態理論中較為人忽視的一個面向,flp蜘質性的 問題,嘗試指出其特殊之處及限制所在。阿爾杜塞以「國家的意識形態機器」概念,不僅突出了隱藏在生產關係問題之中的階級鬥爭,以及在這個過程中,不同種的「國家意識形態機器」所扮演的角色,補充傳統馬克思主義的「國家J理論,更是以比重新檢討意識形態的本身,指出其「想像性j的以及「物質性」的特色。然而,這種物質性係建立在對意識形態自身物質性的「取消」之上,使侮F且在意識形態所產生的效呆。直至晚年對唯物主義重新思索,悶始了他對物質不同樣態的認識,觸及了意識形態自身物質性存在的可能性。


This paper proposes to analyze the problematic of materiality in Althusser's theory of ideology, which has long been neglected by most of his commentators. Althusser's particularities and limits are discussed as welL叮deological state apparatuses" (ISA)as proposed by Althusser uncovers the hidden class struggle in the existing relations of production and the role assumed by different kinds of ISA. In addition, ISA as a concept reexamines the essence of ideology and exposes AIthusser's imaginary and material characteristics. And yet, materiality in his sense can be built only in the foreclosure of the materiality of ideology itself and is only the effects of ideology. Itis not until his last days that, through rethinking materialism and recognizing different modalities of the material, AIthusser finaIly touches upon the possibilities of ideology itself.
