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篇名 我們沒有共同的未來:西方主流「環保」關懷的政治經濟學
卷期 31
並列篇名 We Do Not Have a Common Future:The Political Economy of the Dominant Environmental Concern in the West
作者 紀駿傑
頁次 141-168
關鍵字 我們共同的未來保育帝國主義野生動物保育國家公園蒙特宴公約臭氧層永續發展環境保護our common futureconservation imperialismwldlife conservationnational parksMontreal Protocolozone layersustainable developmentenvironmental protectionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199809


自從1987年出版以來,«我們共同的未來»(OurCommon Future)一書就得到 全球許多國際機構、政府、民間組織與學術界的重視,該書書名所表彰的價值也成了環保論述的主流價值。然而,本文指出,該書雖然正確的結出了詐多當前全球環境問題的社會、經濟與政治根源,它所闊的處方卻因為缺乏政治經濟學的分析與視野而淪為空泛與不切實際的口號,甚至可能更加速環境的破壞。本文從環境社會學的角度來探討當前全球有關環境保護的論述、政策及其影響,主張環境問題是個特定於階級、族群、地域的問題,因此,解決之道也必須是相當tJ.l色的。若未能針對這些特殊的問題來討論,貝'I非但不能解決問題,反而很可能更造成孩勢者壓迫弱勢者的後呆,因而史導致環境的加速惡化,保育的企圖有了適得其反的結采。環境保護必定是關乎政治經濟的,類似「我們共同的未來j追殺全體主義的思考方式與相應政策只能加深,而不是解決全球多數人所真正關切的環境問題。同時,根據過去的失敗經驗,本文主張唯有兼顧基本資源權與人權保障的環境保護政策,才有可能是成功的政策。


Since its publication in 1987, Our Common Future has attracted the atten· tion of many international organizations, governments, NGOs, and the aca· demics; the values inherent in the book have also become the dominant values of environmental discourse. This article maintains that while the book correctly identifies many socio· economic·political roots of global envi· ronmental problems, its solutions lack a political·economic perspective and result in empty slogans, if not greater environmental destruction. Apply· ing environmental sociological perspective, this article discusses global environmental discourse, policy and their effects, and argues that environ· mental problems are problems specific to class, ethnic groups and territory, which require corresponding solutions. Ifwe fail to see this point, we will not only be unable to deal with environmental problems properly, but may also result in furthering the oppression of the dominant groups over other groups, thereby accelerates environmental destruction. Environmental pro· tection must be about political economy, universalistic thinking such «ourcommon future" will only deepen, not solve environmental problems that the majority of the people concern. This article strongly asserts that only by taking into account the protection of basic human rights and resource rights can environmental protection measures become successful.
