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篇名 錢新祖教授與焦竑的再發現
卷期 29
並列篇名 Professor Edward T. Ch'ien and the Rediscovery of Jiao Hong
作者 梅廣
頁次 001-037
關鍵字 焦竑清考讀學中國學術史中國思想史宋明理學儒學晚明學術王陽明哲學王學泰州學派Jiao HongQ'ing evidential researchNeo-Confucian PhilosophyMing Neo-ConfucianismTaizhou School of Ming Neo-ConfucianismTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199803




Itis much to the credit of the late intellectual historian Edward T. Ch'ien that Jiao Hong, a prominent Confucian scholar of Late Ming, was rediscovered. Unfortunately, the criticism by no less an authority than Professor Yu Ying. shih has put the whole rediscovery issue in controversy. This paper attempts to re·confirm Professor Ch'ien's views on Jiao Hong by re-establishing the facts 1) that Ch'ing evidential research has indeed had its root in the scholar· ships of the Taizhou School of Late Ming, of which Jiao Hong was a leader, and 2) that Jiao Hong has contributed substantially to Neo-Confucian philosophy.
