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篇名 一個被忽略學者所留下之不可磨滅印記:漢學詮釋學之重構
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Indelible Mark of an Overlooked Scholar:Toward a Restructuring of Sinological Hermeneutics
作者 魏偉森
頁次 131-152
關鍵字 美國漢學儒家思想焦竑詮釋學American SinologyHermeneuticsChiao HungConfucianismTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199803




Professor Edward Ch'ien's book is a vanguard research in America's study of Confucianism which has been under the influence of humanistic hermeneutics_ By a comparsion of Neo-Confucian and Western phenomenological hermeneutics, Ch'ien suggests that both Lu Hsiang-shan and Chu Hsi reject the lexical glossing of Han philology as superficial and inadequate to the task of approhending the Tao_ They differ only over “the relationship betweenmind as the knowing subject and li or Nature as the object to be known_" By stressing unity between reading subject and li, Lu's metaphysical monism leaves a crucial imprint on Tai Chen, an issue which is unexplored in American sinology.
